domingo, 22 de março de 2015
CASU 13 - Inverno de 2015
Já no início da Primavera de 2015, sai este primeiro número do ano, o décimo terceiro. Estamos a voltar ao ponto de partida. Atrasados os CASU, como de costume, mas satisfeitos com a actividade docente e o aumento de possíveis consultas a este conjunto de mini textos de arquitectura e urbanismo. Neste ano lectivo de 2014-2015 as aulas são em todos os ciclos de estudos, no 1º, no 2º, no Mestrado Integrado, e no 3º, de Doutoramento. E outra novidade recente é começar com a orientação de Doutorandos.
Em particular neste 2º semestre, cresceram muito os estudantes estrangeiros. Para além do público habitual de portugueses, espanhóis, angolanos e brasileiros, estão agora presentes alunos dos mais variados países: São Tomé e Príncipe, Cabo Verde, Itália, Turquia, Alemanha, Polónia, Rússia e Líbia. As aulas são uma autentica sociedade das nações, em que se fala português, espanhol e inglês... pelo menos.
Nesta edição dos CASU's apresentam-se dois artigos de colegas da INTBAU Portugal. Na etiqueta Arquitectura, o resumo em inglês da Dissertação de Mestrado da Joana Gonçalves pela Universidade do Minho, "Tradição em Continuidade. Levantamento das quintas da Terra Fria Transmontana e Contribuições para a Sustentabilidade", vencedora da 2ª edição do Prémio de Investigação em Arquitectura Tradicional, promovido bianualmente pelas Fundações Convento de Orada, Antonio Font de Bedoya e Cultural do Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de León e pela Ordem dos Arquitectos de Portugal. E na etiqueta Espaço Público uma breve reflexão sobre a intervenção do Estado Novo na Alta de Coimbra, do blog Old Portuguese Stuff dos amigos Alexandre Gamelas e Catarina Santos:
Completo este número com dois artigos que foram também apresentados no passado Congresso Iberoamericano de Urbanismo. O meu e de José Baganha, sobre Comunidades Saudáveis - um velho e novo conceito em Urbanismo. E o de David Viana sobre a transformação morfológica das vilas de Apúlia e Caminha em Portugal e Allariz e Tui na Galiza, com base nas dissertações de Mestrado dos alunos Jorge Fernández, David Correia, Hélder Rodrigues e Silvia Rodríguez. Precisamente na Escola Superior Gallaecia, organizo este semestre as COPI - um ciclo de conferências no âmbito da disciplina de Projecto Integrado e de entrada livre, com a participação de Vítor Oliveira, José António Lameiras, José Baganha, Pablo Peón e Célia Gomes. Boa Primavera.
13.1 - Continuing Tradition: Survey of Trás-os-Montes Farms and Contributions to Sustainability
por Joana Gonçalves *
With the awareness that nowadays architecture faces new challenges, particularly the need of integrated and integrational answers to the socio-cultural and environmental context, it is the objective of this research to develop the knowledge about undocumented examples of vernacular architecture in Portugal, significant information sources about experimental evolution of ancient wisdom. However, less usual types remained unstudied and are today menaced by oblivion: the farms in the north-eastern region of Portugal (Terra Fria do Nordeste Transmontano), characterized by dispersion in a territory commonly associated to concentrated settlements. By their isolation from network infrastructures, these examples are a challenge for contemporary solutions aimed at self-sufficiency, since they are above all dependent from the surrounding resources.
Recognizing that the architectural design interferes in the way of life and the environment, the aim is a critical reading of this heritage, stimulating alternative and innovative strategies that relate to architecture, the man and the territory, seeking greater social, environmental and economic sustainability, while respecting community identity. For this, new interventions should understand the potential of the place, the validity of the identified processes and their weaknesses, looking not only for the continuity but also complementarity, and the safeguard this knowledge, traditionally passed from generation to generation and that still have much to offer to contemporary architecture and life.
We are currently witnessing a paradigm shift in the models of architecture and construction, aware of the need for new responses to a more efficient and environmentally sustainable architecture. However, we are increasingly faced with a universal and globalizing architecture, indifferent to the particularities of the local culture. The challenge imposed to contemporary architecture, and for which this research seeks to answer is how to reconcile local identity with a more sustainable architecture.
This research develops an analysis methodology that is exemplified through its application to a case study. The developed methodology allows the identification and validation of vernacular constructive strategies from territorial scale to construction, understanding the meaning of the forms in conjunction with the means and ways of living through three sequential actions: identification, analysis and systematization.
Thus the proposed method includes both objective assessments - qualitative and quantitative - and subjective assessments, applied in the following stages: 1. Identification and mapping of case studies; 2. Spatial and constructive description through graphic and photographic survey; 3. Quantitative characterization through metric survey and constructive details; 4. Hygrothermal tests; 5. Data collection by interview the inhabitants (or previous inhabitants); 6. Processing and analysis of data collected in the previous phases; 7. Critical interpretation and systematization for later application to the project.
Thermal monitoring was conducted in 9 dwellings and only 2 of which were inhabited. The assessments were made during the two climatic seasons – cooling (summer) and heating (winter). The temperature and humidity registration was conducted with Klimalogg Pro TFA sensors at intervals of 15 minutes and periods of 15 days.
The example of the application of the methodology developed to a case study, the farms of the Portuguese northeast, showed a flexible, dynamic, participatory, socially sustainable architecture that involved the community and meet their needs. It was also rational in the management of local resources, proving itself self-sufficient not only the consumption point of view but also the actual construction and, as such, environmental and economically sustainable. In addition, the hygrothermal tests quantitatively demonstrate the validity of bioclimatic strategies found in vernacular architecture, proving the contribution of passive solutions for greater energy efficiency: good hydrothermal behaviour during the hot season and stable performance during the cold season which, although requiring complementary use of active heating systems, would deliver comfortable temperatures with reduced energy consumption. In addition, these type of buildings show the benefits from the use of some adaptation strategies to the environment, such as: earth and evaporative cooling or transition oriented spaces, offering new opportunities to contemporary architecture.
These structures are disappearing essentially because of political reasons, with the loss of competitiveness of small scale agriculture in global markets and the abandonment of the idea of community in favour of individualism. Its reactivation depends primarily on a change of mindset, which allows taking advantage from the opportunities of the place in integrated strategies, reinterpreting the system of relationships identified in this survey: the network cooperation, sharing of common inputs and the creation of new market dynamics, stimulating local lifestyles.
Above all this research reveals the importance of recognizing the context and the vernacular architecture as part of an ongoing process that provides opportunities for a more sustainable contemporary architecture that simultaneously based on the identity values recognized in existing heritages, stimulating the preservation and reinterpretation.
Although applied to a case study in a specific geographical location, this experience can be replicated in any part of the world, following the proposed methodology, since the vernacular architecture is the result of an experimental evaluation of centuries, marked by rationality in response to specific geographical and cultural context.
So, being a methodological tool of analysis of the " ecosystem " it is applicable as the basis of any plan for contemporary architecture, but is not limited to application to a single project: a sustainable architecture and identity is not a closed solution or outcome, but rather a process, a way of approaching the project, which aims to recognize the vernacular architecture weaknesses to complement and enhance the opportunities through a contemporary reinterpretation.
* Trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura da Universidade do Minho, que obteve o Prémio Ibérico de Investigação em Arquitectura Tradicional, na sua 2ª edição: 2013-2014.
13.2 - Fasces *
por Alexandre Gamelas e Catarina Santos, Arquitectos
We recently visited the 1940s-50s wing of the University in Coimbra. It is a very strange place, and one which instills conflicting feelings even to this day. After all, when almost all of Europe was finally free, the Spaniards and we would endure dictatorship for about another 30 more years. The University’s design and scale makes no apologies for reflecting the Estado Novo rhetoric of total state control, like the Mussolini buildings at the EUR in Rome.
Furthermore, its construction razed to the ground a significant amount of the existing, charming and lovely vernacular city, while leaving the most important monuments alone. Le Corbusier’s plan for Paris was similar in concept – a concept which, ironically, was implemented here by the fascists. Unfortunately, a disregard for the cultural value of the traditional town as a cohesive whole was, and still is, part of the majority of the architectural profession’s code of conduct.
Back to the Architecture, one trait that is annoying about the Estado Novo Architecture in general is its pettiness. Take these buildings: they are enormous in scale, but its ceiling heights are low, and those plastic roller blinds – none befitting the dignity required, all seemingly telling you: you work in a big building, but you are small. To make it worse, they are right in the middle of the historic University palaces, which are magnificent and aptly scaled, so the meanness of design of 1942 is immediately apparent (not that we think low ceilings and plastic blinds have anything to do with most Architecture in the last 60 or so years).
In spite of all of the above, we think a lot of details are great in these buildings, especially in the hardware and lighting (can you tell by the recent entries?) and we are happier that they have some kind of classical order to them, as opposed to being a dysfunctional blob or social housing lookalike which would had likely been the choice du jour had the University been built today. The stonework is solid and not thin and hung from a concrete wall. The cornices extend, and protect the walls below, as they should.
And sometimes, just sometimes, if you forget where you are you could start to see a little deChirico in there. If only, like the EUR in Rome, it could have been built in a deserted place.
* original publicado no Blog Old Potuguese Stuff de Alexandre Gamelas e Catarina Santos.
We recently visited the 1940s-50s wing of the University in Coimbra. It is a very strange place, and one which instills conflicting feelings even to this day. After all, when almost all of Europe was finally free, the Spaniards and we would endure dictatorship for about another 30 more years. The University’s design and scale makes no apologies for reflecting the Estado Novo rhetoric of total state control, like the Mussolini buildings at the EUR in Rome.
Furthermore, its construction razed to the ground a significant amount of the existing, charming and lovely vernacular city, while leaving the most important monuments alone. Le Corbusier’s plan for Paris was similar in concept – a concept which, ironically, was implemented here by the fascists. Unfortunately, a disregard for the cultural value of the traditional town as a cohesive whole was, and still is, part of the majority of the architectural profession’s code of conduct.
Back to the Architecture, one trait that is annoying about the Estado Novo Architecture in general is its pettiness. Take these buildings: they are enormous in scale, but its ceiling heights are low, and those plastic roller blinds – none befitting the dignity required, all seemingly telling you: you work in a big building, but you are small. To make it worse, they are right in the middle of the historic University palaces, which are magnificent and aptly scaled, so the meanness of design of 1942 is immediately apparent (not that we think low ceilings and plastic blinds have anything to do with most Architecture in the last 60 or so years).
In spite of all of the above, we think a lot of details are great in these buildings, especially in the hardware and lighting (can you tell by the recent entries?) and we are happier that they have some kind of classical order to them, as opposed to being a dysfunctional blob or social housing lookalike which would had likely been the choice du jour had the University been built today. The stonework is solid and not thin and hung from a concrete wall. The cornices extend, and protect the walls below, as they should.
And sometimes, just sometimes, if you forget where you are you could start to see a little deChirico in there. If only, like the EUR in Rome, it could have been built in a deserted place.
* original publicado no Blog Old Potuguese Stuff de Alexandre Gamelas e Catarina Santos.
13.3 - Comunidades saudáveis: um velho e novo conceito para o urbanismo
por José Baganha* e Rui Florentino
No decorrer das últimas décadas,
registou-se uma grande evolução nos indicadores de saúde, fruto do
desenvolvimento económico e da qualificação dos recursos humanos, bem como do
investimento em equipamentos e tecnologias de saúde. No entanto, existem também
hoje mais exigências, em especial perante doenças que decorrem da maior
concentração e do aumento da população urbana, justificando o estudo da relação
entre urbanismo e saúde pública.
O conceito de comunidades
saudáveis encontra raízes na construção das primeiras cidades-jardim, que
procuraram a criação de um ambiente urbano reformador da sociedade industrial
de início do séc. XX. Recentemente, a leitura do “estado da arte” demonstra que
o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável colocou importantes desafios para as
cidades, onde vive mais de metade da população mundial, sendo hoje consensual
que a progressiva urbanização do território resultou em impactes significativos
para a saúde da população. Contudo, as boas práticas identificadas, já em curso
em alguns países, trazem um sinal de esperança e prova de que, apesar do
crescimento das grandes áreas urbanas, existem modelos adequados à melhoria do ambiente
e da saúde pública.
No contexto europeu, os
exemplos recentes, que revelaram essa possibilidade de criação de ambientes
urbanos saudáveis e a consequente melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos,
têm sido reconhecidos por organizações como a Prince’s Foundation for Building Community, a Fondation Philippe Rotthier pour l’Architecture ou o Council for European Urbanism, entre
outras, constituindo alguns dos casos mais notáveis a regeneração urbana
promovida pelo município de Plessis Robinson, na periferia de Paris, ou New
Poundbury, em Dorchester, no sul do Reino Unido. Neste artigo apresentam-se
estes 2 casos e procura-se aplicar o conceito de comunidades saudáveis, a
partir do urbanismo, também com base nas actividades da Rede Internacional de
Construção, Arquitectura e Urbanismo Tradicionais, um pouco por todo o mundo,
enquanto projecto que a Associação INTBAU Portugal pretende desenvolver nos
próximos anos.
* Presidente da Direcção da INTBAU Portugal
13.4 - Uma perspectiva comparada sobre a transformação morfológica de Allariz, Apúlia, Caminha e Tui
por David Viana* com base nas dissertações de Mestrado de Jorge Fernández, David Correia, Hélder Rodrigues e Silvia Rodríguez.
Introdução –
Tendo como referência parte da investigação desenvolvida no âmbito da UC de
Projeto-Dissertação do Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da
ESG/Escola Superior Gallaecia sobre morfologia urbana, o artigo desenvolve uma
leitura crítica sobre a transformação da estrutura e evolução da forma urbana
de Allariz, Apúlia, Caminha e Tui, principalmente a partir da segunda metade do
século XX em diante. Constituem espaços urbanos de pequena escala da Galiza
(Espanha – Allariz e Tui) e do Minho (Portugal – Caminha e Apúlia), que conheceram
processos de urbanização que os reconfiguraram de modo relevante ao longo da
segunda metade do século XX/início do atual.
Objetivos –
A partir de constituintes-base comuns aos quatro casos de estudo – como por
exemplo: a paisagem, a presença do elemento água (rio e/ou mar) e suas frentes
de água; o património edificado, núcleos designados de “históricos”; alterações
significativas nas estruturas produtivas e respetiva variação de atividades e
usos do solo; atratividade comercial e/ou turística; introdução de
infraestruturas e equipamentos; entre outras características – os objetivos
panoramicamente, aspetos da evolução morfológica dos quatro casos de estudo,
essencialmente durante a segunda metade do século passado.
de que modo a transformação da estrutura e organização dos quatro casos de
estudo resultam de dinâmicas urbanas comuns a ambos os lados da fronteira entre
Portugal e Espanha, nomeadamente, problemáticas demográficas, procura
turística, terciarização de atividades, fragmentação de tecidos, dispersão
habitacional, proliferação de dispositivos rodoviários, etc.
Metodologia – A metodologia assenta na recolha de informação de
diversas fontes e tipos, enquadrando conceitos e processos, definindo escalas
de abordagem, referências e fases de análise, estabelecendo os critérios
necessários para o efeito. Neste sentido, a recolha documental contribui para a
fundamentação da perspetiva crítica elencada na argumentação do paper, recorrendo a fontes literárias diversas,
para além de fotografias, mapas de arquivo, ilustrações históricas, diagramas,
explora-se o redesenho cartográfico como método comparativo de análise.
Casos de
estudo – A pesquisa aprofundada para
a comunicação a apresentar no Congresso tem como casos de estudo Allariz e Tui,
na Galiza (Espanha) e Caminha e Apúlia, no Minho (Portugal).
Conclusões – O artigo terminará determinando o resultado
morfológico de ações e fenómenos urbanos transfronteiriços, sistematizando,
para os casos de estudo, padrões de forma urbana que traduzem variações e
permanências estruturantes para a condição atual de Allariz, Apúlia, Caminha e
Tui. Neste processo, verificar-se-á a implementação de boas práticas de
planeamento no ordenamento.
* Professor Auxiliar e Director do curso de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura e Urbanismo da Escola Superior Gallaecia.
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